Connecting infrastructure with Korean capital
Join Korea’s most active infrastructure investment professionals at the Infrastructure Investor Network Seoul Forum, part of the Infrastructure Investor Japan Korea Week, to build your network and advance your fundraising. Re-connect in Seoul with global infrastructure leaders to debate the current trends shaping the Korean infrastructure market.
Benefit from an unparalleled 1:1 investor-to-fund manager ratio to better understand new opportunities arising in the region.
Buy your Infrastructure Investor Network membership today and join us at the Seoul Forum this June.
Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event.
To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, private wealth manager, foundation, endowment, family office or corporate investment division.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.
Expand your fundraising horizons
Gain access to 2,000+ investors and managers globally. Setup pre-event meetings and continue the conversation after the event with your Network membership.
Uncover high-yield opportunities
Share perspectives on Asian investment strategies, learn more about Korean investor appetite and identify high-yield assets across the region with leading investment practitioners.

Build a global network of influential investors
Create and nurture sustainable relationships with infrastructure’s elite by using our sophisticated networking platform.
Gain insight from Korea’s leading experts
Discuss the current state of the Asia’s infrastructure market and debate investment strategies with Korea’s most successful institutional investors.
Part of the Japan Korea Week
The Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum is just one part of the Japan Korea Week; the largest gathering of institutional investors in Asia. Attracting the most active and influential institutional and private investors, the event is the go-to event to fundraise with Asia’s biggest investors.
글로벌 인프라 투자기회와 한국 자본과의 만남
Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum에서 한국에서 가장 활발한 인프라 투자 전문가들과 함께 네트워크를 구축하고 자금 조달을 진행하세요. 서울에서 글로벌 인프라 리더들과 다시 만나 한국 인프라 시장의 최신 트렌드에 대해 토론하세요.
타사와 비교 불가한 1:1 LP GP 비율 – 새로운 기회를 효율적으로 찾아보세요.
자금 조성의 지평 확장
한국에서 가장 활동적이고 영향력 있는 기관 투자자들을 만나 자금 조성의 가능성을 높이세요.
하이일드 투자 기회 발굴
아시아 투자 전략에 대한 관점을 공유하고 주요 투자 실무자들과 함께 유망한 하이일드 자산을 찾아보세요.

영향력 있는 투자자의 글로벌 네트워크 구축
당사의 수준 높은 네트워킹 플랫폼을 통해 인프라 투자 업계의 리더들과 지속적인 관계를 발전시키세요.
국내 최고의 전문가들로부터 통찰력을 얻으세요.
아시아 인프라 시장의 현황에 대해 논의하고 한국의 대세 기관 투자자들과 투자 전략에 대해 논의합니다.
가장 활발한 국내 투자기관들과 연결해보세요
Japan Korea Week의 일환
Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum은 Japan Korea Week의 일부이며, 아시아 최대 기관투자자들의 모임입니다. 가장 활동적이고 영향력 있는 기관 및 사모 투자자들이 모이는 이 행사는, 아시아 최대 투자자들로부터 자금 조성을 위한 가장 중요한 컨퍼런스입니다.
Network 프로그램의 일환
서울 포럼에 참석 확정 즉시 인프라 자산군을 형성하는 선두 투자자들이 모이는 글로벌 네트워크에 합류하시게 됩니다.
Network 멤버쉽을 소지하시면 투자자 목록, 업계 리더들과의 회의 주선 및 다음과 같은 모든 인프라 투자자 컨퍼런스에 연중 참석하실 수 있습니다:
Position your brand at the centre of the infrastructure community
Strengthen your market credibility, put your brand in front of your key target markets and meet your investment and business goals.
Sponsorship gives you:
• VIP access
• Thought-leadership opportunities
• High-profile branding
• And much more …
For more information on the available sponsorship opportunities, please contact Alexander Jakes at or call +44 (0) 203 862 7498.
Pre-Event Resources
Year-round infrastructure networking
The Infrastructure Investor Japan Korea Week will take place in-person and virtually on our industry-leading platform.
Easily seek out relevant investors, get maximum visibility, and maintain relationships across the global industry.
Attendance at the event is now exclusive to Network members – our new investor/manager network. Book a demo to see how, in addition to attendance at the Japan Korea Week, subscription can help grow your business.
Secure your next investor
Japan Korea Week attendees shape the industry
Your access to Japan Korea Week will provide more value than ever before, with year-round access to a directory of global infrastructure’s most influential network.
Advance your fundraising
Expand your fundraising horizons by meeting the most active Japanese and Korean institutional investors.
Uncover high-yield opportunities
Share perspectives on Asian investment strategies and identify high-yield assets across the region with leading investment practitioners.
Save time building your network
Create and nurture sustainable relationships with infrastructure’s elite by using our sophisticated networking platform.
Stay connected with the global network
Helge Rau
wpd AG
The Japan and Korea infrastructure conferences are always an excellent opportunity to meet investors and learn about new developments and trends in the infrastr…
Lydia Gaylord
PEI continues to drive value for the infrastructure investor marketplace in providing a fulfilling virtual experience with insightful content from top industry…
Yusun Chung
Schroders Korea
The PEI infrastructure events were helpful in connecting various parties in the industry.
Japan Korea Week attendees get more
By attending the Infrastructure Investor Japan Korea Week, you will join infrastructure’s most influential global network. Subscription will give you:
- Access to Japan Korea Week
- Virtual access to all of Infrastructure Investor’s global events
- Access to the investor directory
- Frequent virtual and in-person networking opportunities
- And much more…
If you are interested in speaking at the Seoul Forum, please contact Andrew Wolff

Adam (Yeon-Jun) Choi
Executive Director, Alternative Investment Division, PineStreet Asset Management

Ryan (Donghyup) Ha
Senior Manager, Infrastructure Investment Division, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation

David (Guhn-Chang) Lee
Head of Alternative Investment Management Dep., Korea Investment & Securities

Jungbin Lee
Executive Director, Head of Infrastructure Investment Division 2, Mirae Asset Global Investments

Youngshin Park
Head of Real Estate and Infrastructure Investment, National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives

Catherine Hyeyun Roh
Team head, Cross-border Infrastructure Division, Cross-border Investment Team 2, KB Asset Management
한국 자본과 글로벌 시장을 연결하다
제6회 연차의 「Infrastructure Investor Network Japan Korea Week」는 6월 12~16일에 서울과 도쿄에 열리는 예정입니다. 국내과 전 세계의 가장 활발하고 영향력 있는 기관투자가들을 한자리에 모아 인프라 투자의 기회와 미래를 형성하세요.
한국 및 일본의 거물급 기관투자가 및 게이트키퍼와 글로벌 인프라 시장 현황을 협의하여 새로운 투자전략을 수립하고 자금조달 범위를 확대합시다.
모든 참가자는 「Infrastructure Investor Network」의 맴버인 일원이 됩니다. 인프라 자산 클래스를 지향하는 실력자가 이름을 올린 세계적 네트워크 회원들과 교류하여 행사 전후에도 다양한 콘텐츠를 즐길 수 있습니다.
Why Japan Korea Week
글로벌 네트워크와 연결하다
2,000명 이상의 글로벌 투자자 및 경영자와 연결할 수 있습니다.이벤트 내외에서 회원 한정 미팅을 잡을 수 있습니다.
유이무일한 시장 인사이트를 얻다
아시아에서 가장 경험이 많고 성공을 거두고 있는 인프라 투자자들의 귀중한 경험담을 들을 수 있습니다.
거물 기관투자자과 만남
가장 활발적인 한일 기관투자가들을 만나 자금조달 가능성을 넓힐 수 있습니다.
컨퍼런스를 구성하는 주제:
- 한일 투자자의 인프라 및 포트포리어 조성에 대한 관점
- 세계 투자자들이 생각하는 한국·글로벌 인프라 시장 투자 기회
- 글로벌 매니저와 효율적으로 협동하기 위한 힌트와 노하우 분석
- 탈탄소화, 디지털화, 진화하는 에너지 전환을 이해함으로써 인프라 투자 전략을 다양화
- 인프라뎃, 재생에너지 등 트렌드가 되는 전략에 대한 해설
PEI 인프라스트럭처 이벤트는 업계의 다양한 관계자끼리 연결하는 데 매우 효과적인 수단이었습니다.
Schroders, Private Asset Director, Yusun Chung
이벤트 상세:
2022이벤트 하이라이트
이벤트 보고서를 다운로드 보시고 2022년 체험을 볼 수 있습니다.
- 활발하는 기관투자자계서 얻은 인사이트
- 컨퍼런스에서는 중요한 통찰이나
- 기타 많은 귀중한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.
기관투자자한정 참가패스
Infrastructure Investor Japan Korea Week는 인프라 투자를 하고 있는 기관투자가와 알로케이터가 한자리에 모이는 유일무이한 플랫폼입니다.
수량에 제한이 있지만 대상 알로케이터와 기관투자가 모두 무료 참여 패스를 제공하고 있으니 많은 참여 바랍니다.
조건에 부합하는 펜션펀드, 보험사, 정부펀드, 프라이빗웰스매니저, 재단, 인다우먼트, 패밀리오피스 담당자 또는 기업 투자부문 분들께 무료 패스를 드리고 있습니다.
신청 후 담당자가 확인 연락 드리겠습니다.
신청하신 후에 담당자가 확인 연락 드리겠습니다.
Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass
Complimentary passes are available for allocators and institutional investors to join the Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum.
Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, trusts, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you to secure your pass.
Previous institutional investors that have attended include:
Network with Korea's most active investors
Institutional Investors at Japan Korea Week 2023
The forum is the largest meeting place for institutional and private investors, and other members of the infrastructure community in Asia.
Check out the benefits of joining the conference and who among your peers you will be joining. Apply for a complimentary pass for your or your team today.
What to expect?
Network with your peers
Enrich your network, build lasting relationships, and exchange valuable perspectives with your investor peers through investor-only breakfasts, networking breaks, lunches and much more.
Gain expert insights
Hear from our industry-leading speaker line-up, discover the latest trends and stay aligned with future innovations in the market.
Explore opportunities
Discover remarkable investment opportunities in sectors including emerging markets, energy transition, infrastructure debt and more.
Meet with the best and brightest funds
Connect and arrange one-to-one meetings with infrastructure’s biggest fund and asset managers in the market.
What to expect on the event day
Institutional Investors
Networking hours
Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event.
To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, private wealth manager, foundation, endowment, family office or corporate investment division.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.
2023 Agenda
For more information on speaking at the Japan Korea Week, please contact Andrew Wolff
Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum - Day 1 - Monday 12th
Registration & Networking
Welcome and Opening remarks [English]
Panel: Diversifying Infrastructure Investing Strategies [English]
- Decarbonisation and digitalization – will these two strategies continue to dominate?
- How can investors best diversify risk/return through diversification?
- Investment opportunities in the new definition of Infrastructure: hydrogen supply chain, energy efficiency, battery. Where does one draw the line with PE? Should infrastructure be redefined?

Panel: The investing opportunity in mid-market sectors and beyond large cap core markets [English]
- Which mid-market sectors are experiencing strong growth? What are underlying these trends?
- What is the impact of valuations in selecting strategies such as value add and co-investments?
- Operational capabilities and volatility protection – how can managers differentiate themselves across the value chain?
Coffee Break
Panel: Effectively working with Korean AMCs [Korean]
- Understanding the role of the Asset Management firm in Korea
- How do Asset Managers view the global infrastructure market and where do they see the best investment opportunities?
- How can international GPs effectively work with Korean AMCs?

Catherine Hyeyun Roh
Team head, Cross-border Infrastructure Division, Cross-border Investment Team 2, KB Asset Management
Read bio

Jungbin Lee
Executive Director, Head of Infrastructure Investment Division 2, Mirae Asset Global Investments
Read bio
Adam (Yeon-Jun) Choi
Executive Director, Alternative Investment Division, PineStreet Asset Management
Read bio
Welcome Cocktail Reception
Infrastructure Investor Seoul Forum - Day 2 - Tuesday 13th
Registration and Networking
PEI Opening Remarks [English]
Presentation: Challenges and Opportunities of Infrastructure Investment in Korea [English]

Keynote Panel: Investing in Infrastructure as a recession proof strategy [English]
- Given rising interest rates and economic uncertainty how will investor returns evolve?
- What will infrastructure investors need to do differently to protect the strengths of this asset class?
- In an increasingly competitive market for assets, how do funds keep their competitive advantage and access the best deals?
Panel: The evolution of energy transition investing strategies [English]
- How has the energy security crisis impacted on investment strategies and returns in the sector?
- Looking beyond conventional renewable assets – which areas hold the most exciting investing opportunities?
- Energy Transition as an ESG strategy

Presentation: The Multiple Dimensions of the Energy Transition: An Australian Perspective [English]
- The global energy transition is evolving across several primary dimensions
- The importance of navigating the external factors to ensure portfolio resilience
- Short term uncertainty masks longer term value capture opportunities along these dimensions
- Australia is particularly well positioned for infrastructure investment as the energy transition unfolds

Lunch & Networking
Panel: Investing in Infrastructure Debt [English]
- How have debt funds performed in the current inflationary environment?
- Does infra debt have a comparative advantage to equity in light of the current global economic and political volatility?
- How best to configure ESG into infra debt investing – what are the challenges with the current changing regulations?
Presentation: Infrastructure in numbers [English]

LPs views on the market [Korean]
- Are Korean LPs increasing their allocations in the asset class? How do they view infrastructure vs other private market asset classes?
- How have rising interest rates and the energy crisis impacted on LPs strategies?
- Considerations on FX premium and hedge practice in Korea

Youngshin Park
Head of Real Estate and Infrastructure Investment, National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives
Read bio
Ryan (Donghyup) Ha
Senior Manager, Infrastructure Investment Division, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation
Read bio
David (Guhn-Chang) Lee
Head of Alternative Investment Management Dep., Korea Investment & Securities
Read bio