Japan and Korea’s leading private debt fundraising conferences

The 7th annual PDI Japan Korea Week returns to Seoul and Tokyo in June 2025. Be part of this edition to connect and accelerate your fundraising with the most active Japanese and Korean private credit investors.

Across the week you’ll meet over 400 global attendees to explore the latest trends, allocations and solutions shaping private debt in the region.

View agenda

Two regional conferences over one week

24 June |  Conrad Seoul

Learn more

26-27 June | Tokyo

Learn more

Previous attending investors included:

View all sponsors

Why Japan Korea Week?

Connect with leading Japanese & Korean investors

Previous attendees include GPIF, Lotte Non-Life Insurance, Mirae Life Asset, National Pension Service, Noritz Corporate Pension Fund amongst many others.

Gain strategic insights from the market

Hear from regional investors and strategists who will share their tips and tricks on how to navigate global uncertainties.

Enhance your portfolios with the latest insights

Explore the latest private debt trends and tactics from market specialists and investigate which strategies will gain traction in 2024 and beyond.


“The conference provided significant insight into the way Japanese and Korean LPs and fund managers are thinking about private credit today.”

Vineet Sukumar, Founder & Managing Director, CredAvenue

Registration questions 

Luca Greene


Beth Piercy

Speaking  opportunities

David Stent

일한 최고의 프라이빗 뎃 컨퍼런스

6월 25일(화)-27일(목)  서울및 일본에서 열리는 제6회 연례 PDI Japan Korea Week 에서 한국 및 전 세계 주요 기관투자자들과 다시 만나보세요.

KIC, 국민연금공단, 행정공제회 등 다수의 투자자들과 함께 기관투자자들의 자산 배분과 포트폴리오 전략을 형성하는 동향을 분석하세요.

주요 주제는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 2024년 한국 및 글로벌 투자자 성향 및 배분 선호도
  • 자본 흐름 및 의사 결정 프로세스를 형성하는 새롭고 정교한 전략 평가
  • 불확실성 속의 포트폴리오 성장
  • 안전한 피난처 전략과 포트폴리오 발견

Why Japan Korea Week?

사모 부채 투자자들이
놓칠 수 없는
연례 회의

교직원공제회, 롯데손해보험, 삼성화재해상보험 등 거대 투자자들과 함께 국내 유일무이한 프라이빗 뎃 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요.

글로벌 인사이트.
지역별 특화된 정보

지역 전문가 및 글로벌 펀드 매니저와 함께 글로벌 시장에 대해 자세히 살펴보시고 포트폴리오 구축 위한 최적의 전략 조합에 대해 알아보세요.


단 일주일 만에 자금 조성 활동을 가속화하세요

투자자 네트워크를 확장하고, 싱크탱크에 가입하며, 보다 유연한 환경에서 한국의 프라이빗 뎃 투자 의사 결정권자들과 강력한 관계를 구축하세요.



KIC, NPS, POBA 등을 비롯한 많은 최상위 투자자들과 함께 투자자의 할당과 포트폴리오 전략을 형성하는 주요 동향을 분석할 예정입니다.
AIA Life Insurance
KDB Life Insurance
Fubon Hyundai Life Insurance
GIC Real Estate International Korea
Government Employees Pension Service
Hanwha Life Insurance
Korea Development Bank
Korea Investment Corporation (KIC)
Korea Investment Management
Korea Fire Officials Credit Union
Kyobo AXA Investment Managers
Kyowon Invest
National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives
National Forestry Cooperative Federation
Pension Fund of Japanese Corporations
Perpetual Investors
Public Officials Benefit Association (POBA)
Shinhan Bank
Samsung Asset Management
Shinhan Financial Group
The Korean Teachers' Credit Union (KTCU)
The Police Mutual Aid Association
Westlake Capital Partners
Woori Bank
그외 다수.

2023 연사진

이벤트 최신 자료

2024 프로그램





2023 이벤트 보고서


올해 놓칠 수 없는 프라이핏 뎃 컨퍼런스 시리즈


한국 자본과 글로벌 사모 대출시장의 연결

개막포럼으로서 서울에서 글로벌 커뮤니티를 참여하셔서 글로벌 시장 통찰력을 획득하세요.

상세 보기

샹그릴라 도쿄

일본과 국제 프라이빗 뎃 투자를 만나는 장

PDI Tokyo Forum는 글로벌 주요 투자자 및 프라이빗 뎃 투자 분야 사고의 리더들을 위한 연례 회의 장소인 PDI Japan Korea Week의 일부입니다.

상세 보기

컨퍼런스를 형성하는 주요 주제:

  • Private Debt Investor 의 LP 연구 보고에서 투자자 관점 배우기
  • 발전하는 실사 프로세스와 위험 완화를 위한 노하우 이해
  • 프라이빗 뎃의 미래  – 기회는 어디에?
  • 전략 심층 분석: 주류 대 틈새 전략 평가 – 어디에 머물러야 하나?
  • 그 외

최신 프로그램 보기

기관 투자자 참가 패스 신청

자산 배분 기관과 기관 투자자이신 경우 이벤트에 참여할 수 있는 제한된 수의 무료 패스가 제공됩니다.

참석권을 받으시려면 연금 기금, 보험 회사, 국부 펀드, 개인 자산 관리자, 재단, 기부금, 패밀리 오피스 또는 기업 투자 부서를 대표하는 자격 기준을 충족해야 합니다.

패스를 신청하시면 저희 팀원이 참가 확정 여부 확인을 위해 연락할 예정입니다.

참가 패스를 신청하기


6月25日(火)~27日(木)に開催されるPrivate Debt investor Japan Korea Week」で、日本と韓国の投資家の立場から世界のプライベートデットの機会を評価。

本イベントでは、アジアを代表するプライベートデットの2大カンファレンス、「Tokyo Forum」と「Seoul Forum」において、200名を超える有力なプライベートデット投資家のネットワークと貴重な市場に関する考察をご紹介します。


Why Japan Korea Week?




地域のスペシャリストや グローバルなファンドマネージャーと グローバル市場を深く掘り下げ、 ポートフォリオを構築するための 最適な戦略ミックスを理解しましょう。





  •  Private Debt InvestorのLP調査から投資家の視点を学ぶ
  •  進化するデューデリジェンスのプロセスとリスク軽減のノウハウを理解する
  •  プライベートデットの未来を占う-どこにチャンスが眠っているのか?
  • 戦略を深く掘り下げる:主流戦略とニッチ戦略を評価 – どこに留まるべきか?
  • デット市場の理解:欧米、アジア太平洋
  • その他、豊富な内容を含む



AISIN Pension Fund
Asset Management One
Daido Life Insurance
Development Bank of Japan
DIC Pension Fund
Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations
Japan Highway Company Corporation
Japan Post Bank
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance
Mizuho Securities Principal Investment
Nagatacho Family Office
Nissay Asset Management
ORIX Life Insurance
Pension Fund Association for Local Government Officials (Chikyoren)
Pension Fund Association
SBI Shinsei Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
Taiyo Life Insurance
The Hachijuni Bank
The Norinchukin Bank
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance
Toyota Tsusho Corporate Pension Fund
Westlake Capital Partners

「PDI Japan Korea Week」の一環として




シャングリ・ラ 東京




2024 プログラム












Raise your profile among senior private debt decision-makers

Build and develop your company’s brand image, strengthen your market credibility, and meet your investment and business goals. Sponsorship gives you:

  • VIP access
  • Thought-leadership opportunities
  • High-profile branding
  • And much more …

For more information on available sponsorship opportunities, please contact Beth Piercy at beth.p@peimedia.com or call +44 20 7566 5464.

Register your interest on the enquiry form

2024 Sponsors:

Creating global opportunities for Korean capital

The 7th annual PDI Seoul Forum is back in June 2025. Connect and accelerate your fundraising alongside over 200 of Korea’s leading investors and global fund managers.

Understand the latest trends shaping investor allocation preferences, as well as the key solutions shaping private credit in Korea.

View agenda

Part of PDI Japan Korea Week

The Seoul Forum is part of PDI Japan Korea Week taking place in June 2025. Connect with over 400 attendees during a week of unrivalled networking opportunities across two regions.

Learn more on how you can grow your investor network during the week here.

Past attending investors included:

View all sponsors

2024 Speakers included:

View all speakers
View all speakers

Why attend the Seoul Forum?

Meet Korea’s investor community

Connect with top investors, including KIC, POBA, and Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance to foster strong relationships.

Gain a strategic edge in private credit

Understand investors’ changing needs and appetite shift towards different strategies in the evolving private debt market.

Build lasting relationships

Catch with Korean investors and global private credit leaders to discuss future allocations.

What our delegates say

Qianru Yang

Keppel Capital

It provides good insight into how Korean LPs think about this asset class.

Ryoko Katayam

Topaz Capital

Very well organized and structured. Great access to the asset class’ leading players and insights.

Juno, Hee Kyoung Yoon


Founding members gave us insightful sharing and perspectives from regional LP are inspiring.

Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for allocators and institutional investors to join the event.

Complimentary passes are limited to foundations, endowments, insurance companies, single-family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you.

Apply now

Registration questions 

Luca Greene


Beth Piercy

Speaking  opportunities

David Stent

Discover trending topics at the Seoul Forum

Download the agenda today to discover trending topics shaping Korean investor allocations.

If you are interested in speaking opportunities at the event please contact James Hatwell at Contact our producer, David Stent today.

View agenda


Day 1
View agenda page


PDI Seoul Forum - Tuesday 24th

All times in KST/ UTC+9 (Simultaneous translation between Korean and English provided)
08:00 - 08:30

Registration and networking refreshments

08:30 - 09:00

LP Breakfast Briefing

By invitation only. This session will be off-the-record for qualified institutional investors and allocators to interact with industry peers and discuss your experience.

09:00 - 09:05

PDI welcome

09:05 - 09:15

Welcome from the Chairperson

09:15 - 09:30

Opening remarks [English]

09:30 - 10:20

Opening panel: The funds driving Korea's push for international portfolios [English]

  • Examine the growth of South Korea’s private debt allocation to US and EU funds
  • How will markets react to external geopolitical shifts and regulatory cutbacks
  • Opportunities for global funds to attract Korean capital seeking greater portfolio diversity
  • Understand the strategies gaining rapid attention in a swiftly maturing market
10:20 - 11:00

Perfectly in balance - the attraction of Direct Lending's low-risk and evergreen returns [English]

  • Engage with how direct lending’s need for revolving credit creates evergreen returns
  • The attraction for Japanese investors for predictable cash flows
  • Explore the individual benefits of sponsored versus non-sponsored deals
  • Which markets are proving to have the best risk-return profiles across the direct lending landscape
11:00 - 11:20

Networking break

11:20 - 12:00

Opportunistic Credit and how to swiftly take advantage of market events

  • As market dislocations erupt, how can funds act fast and with fiduciary caution
  • Better understand the niche approaches within the Opportunistic Credit umbrella
  • Hear why funds are seeing an uptick in Opportunistic Credit fundraising
  • Consider the most important due diligence steps when reacting to market opportunities
12:00 - 12:40

Recognizing the right fit - differences between US & European Direct Lending

  • Examine how global funds approach corporate lending strategies
  • How will the geopolitical shifts impact each market’s competitive advantages
  • Discuss which industries might benefit most from a corporate-friendly tax regime
  • How will lower tax burdens impact private equity’s pursuit of NAV finance?
12:40 - 13:40

Networking luncheon

13:40 - 14:20

Private credit strategies: Key strategies for Korean investors [English/ Korean]

  • Discuss with global private debt leaders how they approach their niche
  • Better engage with the range of strategies at play in an expanding marketplace
  • An allocator’s view on what makes for an attractive manager engaging in a particular area
  • The risk-reward profiles of different strategies, and the variances between the US and EU
14:20 - 15:00

Venture debt - financing the next unicorn [English]

  • The reputation of Korean investors in supporting new entrepreneurs
  • Explore the underserved opportunities in global markets and where opportunity exists
  • How to identify effective venture capital partners requiring finance support for their portfolios
  • What demands do Korean investors have to allay risk concerns for venture debt
15:00 - 15:20

Networking break

15:20 - 15:35

Presentation: PDI's fundraising reports analysis [English]

15:35 - 16:10

Panel: Real Asset debt and the attraction of long-term returns [English/ Korean}

  • Why real estate and infrastructure remain a crucial asset class for Korean investors
  • How to access the growing demand for residential real estate
  • The intersection between digital infrastructure and real estate demand
  • Why the prospect of long-term certainty allows for greater short-term risk
16:10 - 16:50

The differing models for Specialty Finance across selected industries

  • Engage with the burgeoning world of non-traditional lending strategies
  • As transport booms, understand the evolution of shipping and aircraft finance
  • Understand the role of Specialty Finance in supporting entrepreneurs intellectual property
  • How the imposition of new global regulatory regimes will impact regulatory capital
16:50 - 17:30

Closing keynote investor panel: Role of Korean Pensions in guiding market development [Korean]

  • How is the present landscape impacting decision-makers’ commitment to private debt in terms of scale, strategies and sectors?
  • What is the most important advice for private debt fund managers?
  • What are investors’ mid-long term portfolio strategies and key focus in H2 of 2025?
17:30 - 17:30

Closing remarks, followed by Cocktail reception

Raise your profile among senior private debt decision-makers

Build and develop your company’s brand image, strengthen your market credibility, and meet your investment and business goals. Sponsorship gives you:

  • VIP access
  • Thought-leadership opportunities
  • High-profile branding
  • And much more…

For more information on available sponsorship opportunities, please contact Beth Piercy at beth.p@pei.group or call +44 20 7566 5464.

Register your interest on the enquiry form

2025 Sponsors

Connecting Japanese capital to global private debt opportunities

The 7th annual PDI Tokyo Forum returns in June 2025. Connect and accelerate your fundraising alongside over 200 of Japan’s leading investors and global fund managers.

Understand the latest trends shaping investor allocation preferences, as well as the key solutions shaping private credit in Japan.

New for 2025: We’ve extended the Tokyo Forum to 1.5 days, providing increased networking opportunities and additional insights.

Part of Japan Korea Week

The Tokyo Forum is part of Private Debt Investor Japan Korea Week taking place in June 2025. Connect with over 400 attendees during a week of unrivalled networking opportunities across two regions.

Learn more on how you can grow your investor network during the week here.

Past attending investors included:

View all sponsors

2024 speakers included:

View all speakers
View all speakers

Why attend the Tokyo Forum?

Meet Japan’s investor community

Connect with top investors, including GPIF, Japan Post Bank, and Dai-ichi Life Insurance during networking and insightful plenary sessions.

Gain a strategic edge in private credit

Understand investors’ changing needs and appetite shift towards different strategies in the evolving private debt market.

Build lasting relationships

Catch up with Japanese investors and global private credit leaders to discuss future portfolio strategies.

What our delegates say

Qianru Yang

Keppel Capital

Well thought through and relevant content. Provides good insight into how LPs think about this asset class.

Ryoko Katayama

Topaz Capital

Very well organized and structured. Great access to the assets’ leading players and insights.

Harald Eggerstedt

Towers Watson

PDI events bring private debt investment and structuring expertise together like no other conference I have attended.

Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for allocators and institutional investors to join the event.

To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, private wealth manager, foundation, endowment, family office or corporate investment division who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you.

Apply now

Registration questions 

Luca Greene


Beth Piercy

Speaking  opportunities

David Stent

Discover trending topics

Download the agenda today to discover trending topics shaping the Japanese investor allocations.

Want to join our industry-leading speaking faculty? Contact our producer, David Stent today.

View agenda

Day 1 Day 2
View agenda page


PDI Tokyo Forum 2025 - Thursday 26th

All times in JST (UTC+9); Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English provided
08:00 - 09:00

Registration and welcome refreshments

08:30 - 09:00

LP Breakfast Briefing

By invitation only. This session will be off-the-record for qualified institutional investors and allocators to interact with industry peers and discuss your experience.

09:00 - 09:05

PDI welcome

09:05 - 09:15

Welcome from the Chairperson

09:15 - 09:30

Opening remarks [English]

09:30 - 10:10

Opening panel: The funds driving Japan's push for international portfolios [English]

  • Engage with the global funds providing consistent returns for Japanese capital
  • Higher for longer – how elevated interest rates will drive private debt decisions
  • Anticipate the effects and opportunities from new regulatory and tax regimes in the US
  • Hear from fund managers which strategies can expect to grow in the coming years
10:10 - 10:30

A new dawn for direct lending, opportunities arising in times of change [English]

  • Finding private credit opportunities in markets that are typically overlooked or oversaturated
  • What can be learnt from the US middle market’s capacity for adaptation
  • How fund partners can derisk assets in markets that traditionally have built-in risk
  • The best approaches to capitalising on the anticipated demand for US corporate finance
10:30 - 11:00

Networking break

11:00 - 11:40

Opportunistic Credit and how to swiftly take advantage of market events

  • As market dislocations erupt, how can funds act fast and with fiduciary caution
  • Better understand the niche approaches within the Opportunistic Credit umbrella
  • Hear why funds are seeing an uptick in Opportunistic Credit fundraising
  • Consider the most important due diligence steps when reacting to market opportunities
11:40 - 12:20

Recognizing the right fit - differences between US & European Direct Lending

  • Examine how global funds approach corporate lending strategies
  • How will the geopolitical shifts impact each market’s competitive advantages
  • Discuss which industries might benefit most from a corporate-friendly tax regime
  • How will lower tax burdens impact private equity’s pursuit of NAV finance?
12:20 - 13:30

Networking luncheon

13:30 - 14:20

Private credit strategies: Key strategies for Japanese investors

  • Discuss with global private debt leaders how they approach their niche
  • Better engage with the range of strategies at play in an expanding marketplace
  • An allocator’s view on what makes for an attractive manager engaging in a particular area
  • The risk-reward profiles of different strategies, and the variances between the US and EU
  • How the emergence of NAV finance has allowed sponsors to rapidly grow portfolio companies and develop assets
14:20 - 15:00

The long-term importance of diversifying into the real asset debt market

  • The international markets with long-term infrastructure opportunities
  • Why diversifying into global real assets investments provides surety to pensions
  • Anticipating emerging themes and opportunities in global real estate debt
  • The low-risk, lasting rewards provided by government-backed infrastructure projects
15:00 - 15:30

Networking break

15:30 - 15:50

Presentation: PDI’s fundraising reports analysis [English]

15:50 - 16:30

Venture debt - financing the next unicorn [English]

  • The reputation of Japanese investors in supporting new entrepreneurs
  • Explore the underserved opportunities in global markets and where opportunity exists
  • How to identify effective venture capital partners requiring finance support for their portfolios
  • What demands do Japanese investors have to allay risk concerns for venture debt
16:30 - 17:30

Closing keynote investor panel: Why Japanese investors are growing their private debt allocations [Japanese]

  • How is the present landscape impacting decision-makers’ commitment to private debt in terms of scale, strategies and sectors?
  • What is the most important advice for private debt fund managers?
  • What are investors’ mid-long term portfolio strategies and key focus for 2025?
17:30 - 17:35

Closing remarks

17:35 - 18:35

Cocktail reception


PDI Tokyo Forum 2025 - Friday 27th

All times in JST (UTC+9); Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English provided
08:00 - 09:00

Registration and networking refreshments

09:00 - 09:05

PDI welcome

09:05 - 09:15

Welcome from the Chairperson

09:15 - 09:30

Opening remarks [English]

09:30 - 10:10

Perfectly in balance - the attraction of Direct Lending's low-risk and evergreen returns

  • Engage with how direct lending’s need for revolving credit creates evergreen returns
  • The attraction for Japanese investors for predictable cash flows
  • Explore the individual benefits of sponsored versus non-sponsored deals
  • Which markets are proving to have the best risk-return profiles across the direct lending landscape
10:10 - 10:30

Investor's keynote interview [Japanese]

10:30 - 11:00

Networking break

11:00 - 11:40

Digital infrastructure and the vast demand for private finance

  • As Artificial Intelligence markets expand, where will finance for data centres and their energy-use originate
  • Which markets are providing the best access to digital infrastructure opportunities
  • Better understand the intersection between real estate and digital infrastructure debt
  • Why financing periphery industries is crucial to supporting the uptake of the AI industry
11:40 - 12:20

Impact debts' rising value, driving capital to underserved markets

  • Understand the array of approaches from international impact funds
  • Engage with the broad benefits from supporting projects assisting underserved industry
  • Hear how impact debt has become a go-to strategy for investors seeking the dual benefit of profit and purpose
  • Which global markets provide opportunities to serve sustainable development goals
12:20 - 13:10

Networking luncheon

13:10 - 13:50

Utilising asset-based finance to rapidly develop fund's portfolio companies

  • Better understand the linkages between private equity and private debt
  • Why providing asset-backed collateral allows private debtors to lower risk profiles
  • How can ABL be used to support the growth of real assets
  • Explore the markets engaging most actively with asset-based finance
13:50 - 14:30

Closing Panel - The reasons behind global funds pursuit of Japanese institutional capital

  • Better understand how global debt funds can access a relatively untapped pool of capital
  • Engage on the areas that Japanese investors are keen to develop a diversity in their portfolios
  • The seal of Japanese approval – the benefit funds acquire through the rigorous due diligence of Japanese investors
  • Foreign investors go-to solutions for easing entry into the Japanese market
14:30 - 14:30

Closing Remarks and end of PDI JK Week 2025

Raise your profile among senior private debt decision-makers

Build and develop your company’s brand image, strengthen your market credibility, and meet your investment and business goals. Sponsorship gives you:

  • VIP access
  • Thought-leadership opportunities
  • High-profile branding
  • And much more …

For more information on available sponsorship opportunities, please contact Beth Piercy at beth.p@pei.group or call +44 20 7566 5464.

Register your interest on the enquiry form

2025 Sponsors

Institutional Investors at the Tokyo Forum

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event. To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, private wealth manager, foundation, endowment, family office or corporate investment division who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.

Apply now

Past attending investors included:

Investors at PDI Tokyo Forum

The Forum is the largest meeting place for institutional and private investors, and other members of the private debt community in Japan.

Check out the benefits of joining the conference and who among your peers you will be joining. Apply for a complimentary pass for you or your team today.

View investor prospectus

Why Tokyo Forum?

Meet the biggest global funds

Network and arrange one-to-one meetings with the biggest and leading private debt managers.

Network with your peers

Connect with your peers and understand their strategies and allocation approach to private debt at our networking cocktail and luncheon.

Get the latest insights

Discuss the opportunities and challenges your peers are facing in the market at the investor roundtable.

Explore opportunities

Find investment opportunities across different debt strategies, from direct lending, mezzanine, and unitranche lending.

What to expect?


Institutional Investors






Part of the PDI Japan Korea Week

PDI Seoul Forum
June 2025

Connecting South Korean capital to global markets

Learn more

PDI Tokyo Forum
June 2025

Connecting Japanese capital to global opportunities

Learn more

Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event.

Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.

Apply now

Institutional Investors at the Seoul Forum

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event. To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, private wealth manager, foundation, endowment, family office or corporate investment division who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.

Apply now

Past attending investors included:

Investors at PDI Seoul Forum

The Forum is the largest meeting place for institutional and private investors, and other members of the private debt community in Korea.

Check out the benefits of joining the conference and who among your peers you will be joining. Apply for a complimentary pass for you or your team today.

View investor prospectus

Why Seoul Forum?


Meet the biggest global funds

Network and arrange one-to-one meetings with the biggest and leading private debt managers.


Network with your peers

Connect with your peers and understand their strategies and allocation approach to private debt at our networking cocktail and luncheon.


Get the latest insights

Discuss the opportunities and challenges your peers are facing in the market at the investor roundtable.


Explore opportunities

Find investment opportunities across different debt strategies, from direct lending, mezzanine, and unitranche lending.

What to expect?


Institutional Investors






Part of the PDI Japan Korea Week

PDI Seoul Forum
June 2025

Connecting South Korean capital to global markets

Learn more

PDI Tokyo Forum
June 2025

Connecting Japanese capital to global opportunities

Learn more

Apply for a complimentary Institutional Investor pass

A limited number of complimentary passes are available for eligible allocators and institutional investors to join the event.

Complimentary investor passes are limited to foundations, endowments, insurance companies, single family offices, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds who are actively making fund commitments and do not engage in third-party fundraising activities or collect fees for advisory/consulting services.

Apply for a pass and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.

Apply now