Japan’s responses to rapid global sustainable finance evolution
How can Japanese institutional investors and financial institutions secure a place in the rapidly evolving sustainable finance world?
Join opinion leaders from Japan and abroad to discover how urgent theoretical and practical issues can marry with the vision for a new era of capitalism in a sustainability-conscious world.
Make new connections with 500+ senior Japanese finance professionals to debate regulatory developments, market trends and best practices in responsible investment, and be a part of advancing sustainable finance in Japan.
Companies are eligible for a complimentary pass for three people to attend the event.
2024 key themes:
- Debating the future role of transition finance
- Biodiversity and incorporation of the TNFD
- Spotlight on Social Disclosure in Japan
- ESG and investing in Emerging Markets
- Effective engagement and stewardship
- Successfully implementing AI into ESG – elevating sustainability with technology
- The future of sustainable food systems
- How are Japanese corporates dealing with the biodiversity disclosure challenge?
- Accelerating Japan’s path to decarbonization
What can you expect at the forum?
Connect with the Japanese ESG and sustainable finance industry
Past attendees have included Dai-ichi Life Insurance, GPIF, Japan Post Insurance, Pension Fund Association, Sophia School Corporation, Transport Agency Pension Fund, and many more.
Get answers to the biggest ESG questions from industry experts
Carefully curated panel sessions will showcase the depth and the dynamics of sustainable finance discussion from global standardisations of ESG to organisational challenges to take up portfolio decarbonisation.
Japan-focused content with a global perspective
With a well-established network of sustainable finance practitioners, Responsible Investor will bring together both local and international attendees to discuss how to progress Japanese business in a sustainability-conscious world.
Connect with 500+ Japanese sustainable finance professionals
Meet our leading advisory board

Connect with investors & ESG professionals
Responsible Investor Japan provides an opportunity to make connections with an exclusive audience of ESG and sustainable finance decision makers. Share your solutions, collaborate and network with senior-level executives through bespoke sponsorship packages to meet your 2024 business goals.
View sponsorship opportunities
Meet our leading advisory board

Satoshi Ikeda
Chief Sustainable Finance Officer and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan
The next RI Japan conference will take place on 22-23 May 2024, all timings are in Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
For more information on the agenda, please contact Andrew Wolff.
andrew.w@pei.group / +81 (0) 3 6205 3224
RI Japan 2024 - Wednesday 22nd
Welcome remarks from Responsible Investor
Plenary 1: The future role of transition finance in sustainable investing
- How do we define what transition finance actually is? What do investors and financial institutions need from industry and policy makers to move forward on transition finance?
- The impact of the sovereign transition bond launch – will this strengthen the international credibility of transition finance?
- How do foreign investor’s view Japan’s push for transition finance and establishment of the Asia GX consortium?

Helena Fung
Head of Sustainable Finance and Investment, Asia Pacific, London Stock Exchange Group
Read bio
Fumihiro Kajikawa
Director, GX Finance Promotion Office/Office for Opening the GX Promotion Organization, METI
Read bio
Leong Wai Leng
Managing Director and Regional Head of Asia Pacific, CDPQ Global, CDPQ Singapore
Read bio


Networking break
Plenary 2: Turning Nature positive: embracing Biodiversity and incorporation of the TNFD
- What are the challenges in implementing the TNFD framework? – What are the learnings from TCFD?
- How has the TNFD engaged with corporates to build a framework that is decision-useful?
- Why does nature matter in the fight against climate change?

Makoto Haraguchi
TNFD dedicated SVP of Corporate Sustainability Dept., MS and AD Insurance Group Holdings
Read bio

Plenary 3: Countering the anti ESG backlash, does Japan have a meaningful role to play?
- What is the real-world impact of the ESG backlash? Has the ESG backlash also catalysed positive change, or is this wishful thinking?
- The role of Japan in the ESG debate, does it have a better model for doing things?
- Will ESG funds in Japan and abroad need to radically evolve going forward to overcome a sceptical market and how should they do this?

Satoshi Ikeda
Chief Sustainable Finance Officer and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan
Read bio

Networking lunch
Stream A-1: Spotlight on the GX bond and transition bonds as labelled instruments
- How has the Japan Climate Transition Bond been received and appraised by investors so far? Is there sufficient transparency?
- Understanding the role of transition bonds in the broader context

Kenichi Konuma
Director for Climate Finance Policy GX Finance Promotion Office / Office for Opening the GX Promotion Organization Industrial Science, Technology and Environment Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Read bio
Stream B-1: Business and Human Rights
- Managing human rights issues in the value chain
- Best practices for implementing human rights due diligence
- Developing decarbonization and just transition pathways for banks and insurance companies
Stream C-1: Reaching for a global baseline: Implementation of the ISSB and sustainability disclosures
- Do the ISSB regulations identify the key issues in meaningful way?
- How do investors view the ISSB standards?
- How should ISSB standards be incorporated into Japan and globally?

Daiki Fujino
Researcher of Legal and Research Unit and Sustainable Finance Research Unit., Financial & Capital Market Research Dpt.
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Stream A-2: Addressing the challenges of financed emissions
- How do we identify and define financed emissions?
- What are the effective approaches for addressing the challenges of financed emissions?
- Best practice on financed emissions calculation and disclosure

Tomohiro (Tomo) Ishikawa
Chief Regulatory Engagement Officer, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)
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Kenichi Konuma
Director for Climate Finance Policy GX Finance Promotion Office / Office for Opening the GX Promotion Organization Industrial Science, Technology and Environment Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Read bio

Paul-Antoine Thiebot
Head of Sustainable and Positive Impact Finance, Asia Pacific, Societe Generale
Read bioStream B-2: Social Disclosure in Japan
- What can we do with social data and why is this important? Why does this have financial materiality?
- Japan is still lagging on the ‘S’ and disclosure – Why is it ignored?
- How can it catch up with other OECD nations?
Stream C-2: Creating better governance in Japan
- What’s it going to take to improve governance in Japan and improve both sustainability and corporate value?
- How does good governance interrelate with environmental and social issues?
- Increasing valuations through governance, are recent initiatives to improve P/B ratios having an impact?
Networking break
Stream A-3: The future of sustainable food and agriculture
- How can we further reduce emissions in food supply chains?
- How do we get to a more sustainable meat supply and better use of proteins?
- What are the challenges for Japanese companies to make agricultural and food disclosures and how do we close the gap compared to other OECD markets?
Stream B-3: The continuing Diversity dilemma – how to accelerate change in Japan?
- The business case for diversity, why better diversity equals better performance.
- How can we accelerate female board membership in Japan and get to 30% by 2030?
Stream C-3: Spotlight on the future of sustainable retail investing in Japan
- With the rise of NISA how can Japan now create a dynamic sustainable investing ecosystem for retail investors?
- What potential new sustainable investing products should be introduced and are best suited for the Japanese market?
- How do we better educate retail investors in Japan regarding sustainable investing?

Mari Kamei
Deputy Director, Sustainable Finance Office, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan
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Yoshinori Nagano
Managing Director, Head of Center for Dissemination of Investment and Asset Management, Daiwa Asset Management
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Yasuyuki Sugiura
Managing Director of the Institution of the Social System Research, Nikko Research Center
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Plenary 4: The rise of impact investing
- What is impact measurement and management (IMM) in practice?
- What are IMM challenges and how to overcome them?
- How can we achieve financial and impact return at the same time?
Plenary 5: Visualization of the relationship between non-financial, financial, and cash flow
- Background on the demand for visualizing non-financial information
- The impact of non-financial data on finance and its visualization
- Examples of non-financial data management initiatives by leading sustainable companies

Hirofumi Watanabe
General Manager, Regional Sustainability Design Dept., AEONMALL / Leader, Regional Sustainability Desig (Community Development, Resilience, Energy Security), AEON
Read bioCocktail Reception & End of Day 1
RI Japan 2024 - Thursday 23rd
MSCI’s Exclusive Breakfast Seminar: Building Resilience: Addressing Climate and Biodiversity Risks
RSVP to April Sin at april.s@pei.group
- Regulatory trends and policies: Explore the latest developments in climate-related regulations and practices from a global and regional perspective.
- Progress of APAC climate action: Delve into emissions disclosures, climate targets, fuel mix of utilities, transition financing, managed phaseout of coal-fired power plants, and clean tech development.
- Incorporating climate and biodiversity-related risks and opportunities into investment portfolios: Gain practical insights and best practices.

Deep dive workshop: Risk-Return-Impact: how impact investing is changing the paradigm
Impact investing is no longer a niche investment practice. As regulations in Europe codify impact into corporate disclosures and fund labelling requirements, investors globally are grappling with how to integrate impact measurement and management practices across all stages of the investment lifecycle. As we move towards a new paradigm of risk-return-impact, hear from investors with deep experience in driving competitive returns through significant social and environmental impacts.
Stream A-4: Overcoming the Biodiversity Data challenge
- What kinds of data should investors be collecting and disclosing?
- The challenges of collecting location specific data. How can technological innovation help?
- Capturing supply chain data. Closing the gap, how will the quality of biodiversity related data evolve going forward?
- How are Japanese corporates dealing with the biodiversity disclosure challenge?

B4: Navigating the future: Emerging Leaders in Impact Investing
- How do we nurture the next generation of ESG and impact talent?
- How are the next generation thinking about innovation and impact?
- What is needed to better raise and educate people in the impact field in Japan?
Stream C-4: Enabling effective engagement in Japan
- Understanding the different types of engagement, how has it evolved in the last few years?
- What can undermine success in engagement and how do you measure success in the first place? How do we create effective beneficiary engagement in Japan?
15 minutes break
Stream A-5: Market integrity and green washing in sustainable finance
- What should we mean by greenwashing in sustainable finance? Are current definitions too broad to be helpful?
- What factors contribute to greenwashing risks in the sustainable fund industry?
- Where can we identify the areas of actual concern where proactive action can be taken?
Stream B-5: Focusing on ESG outcomes
- How should we assess ESG investments?
- What are the real outcomes?
- How do we create value?
- Management milestones, creating sustainability outcomes for investee companies
Stream C-5: Successfully implementing AI into ESG – elevating sustainability with technology
- What are the benefits and concerns of AI tools driving social and climate impact?
- How can AI improve data quality and standardization?
- What are successful recent examples of adoption of AI that have driven change in ESG policy?
15 minutes break
Stream A-6: Evolution of voluntary carbon credits
- Investability and bankability of carbon price.
- How do we use prices to shift behaviour?
- Will Japan have a scheme linked to the international market?
Stream B-6: Discussing the definition of ESG
- What are the main inconsistencies in ESG concepts amongst current definitions?
- How should we best think about and harmonize definitions of common themes within ESG such as stewardship and impact investing?
- Implementing greater clarity and consistency in ESG definitions for better communication amongst investors
Stream C-6: Elevating assurance in sustainability
- What is the expected level of reliability of data for assurance?
- How do we improve the internal control of sustainability information?
- Is assuring SME data practically possible?
- Should qualitative and forward-looking information be assured?
Networking lunch

Kenji Shiomura
Managing Director, ESG & Stewardship Department, Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)
Read bioKeynote


Plenary 6: Accelerating Japan’s path to decarbonization
- Are Japan’s net zero targets realistic? How do international firms evaluate Japan’s efforts to decarbonize and technologies such as green ammonia? How can impact and influence be assigned in collaborative engagements?
- What should Japan’s future energy policy look like? Will the role of coal phaseout technology increase?
- Japan’s long term renewable energy plans – where is the role for offshore wind?

Hiroshi Fujikawa
Senior Executive Officer of CSV Strategy, Chief Sustainability Officer, Kirin Holdings
Read bio

Networking break
Plenary 7: Japan’s Asset Owner Challenge – getting more institutional capital into sustainable investing
- How can we more effectively engage with Japan’s Institutional Investor community to invest more into sustainable finance?
- The future of the asset management industry in Japan – what reforms are needed to spur on institutional investments in ESG?
- Corporate pension funds in Japan – how can we better educate them on sustainable investing?
Close of Conference
For more information on speaking in May 2024, please contact Andrew Wolff
andrew.w@pei.group | +81 (0) 3 6205 3224
Speaker line-up in 2024

Ryusuke Bushimata
Director, Research Division & Legal Office, International Bureau, Ministry of Finance, JAPAN

Akane Enatsu
Head of Nomura Research Center of Sustainability, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research

Hiroshi Fujikawa
Senior Executive Officer of CSV Strategy, Chief Sustainability Officer, Kirin Holdings

Daiki Fujino
Researcher of Legal and Research Unit and Sustainable Finance Research Unit., Financial & Capital Market Research Dpt. , Daiwa Institute of Research

Makoto Haraguchi
TNFD dedicated SVP of Corporate Sustainability Dept., MS and AD Insurance Group Holdings

Satoshi Ikeda
Chief Sustainable Finance Officer and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan

Yasunari Iwatate
Director, Managing Executive Officer, Higo Bank / Chairman, Higo Bank Corporate Pension Fund

Fumihiro Kajikawa
Director, GX Finance Promotion Office/Office for Opening the GX Promotion Organization, METI

Mari Kamei
Deputy Director, Sustainable Finance Office, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan

Kana Kawasaki
Head of Business Development Morningstar Indexes, Japan and South Korea, Morningstar Japan

Kenichi Konuma
Director for Climate Finance Policy GX Finance Promotion Office / Office for Opening the GX Promotion Organization Industrial Science, Technology and Environment Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Aiko Kozaki
Director of Investment Department, Japan Network for Public Interest Activities (JANPIA)

Minoru Matsubara
Chief Sustainability Officer, Managing Executive Officer Responsible Division, Resona Asset Management

Hideki Matsuoka
Special Project Manager, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (HURIGHTS OSAKA)

Nozomi Mizuno Witherspoon
Senior Specialist - Sustainability & Social Impact, The Japan Research Institute

Yoshinori Nagano
Managing Director, Head of Center for Dissemination of Investment and Asset Management, Daiwa Asset Management

Hiroyuki Nomura
Operating Officer, Senior General Manager, Investment Planning Department, JAPAN POST INSURANCE

Oyin Oduya
Managing Director, Impact Measurement & Management Practice Leader, Wellington Management

Yuka Ogasawara
Impact Officer/ Deputy Secretary General, Social Innovation and Investment Foundation / Impact Driven Finance Initiative

Kenji Shiomura
Managing Director, ESG & Stewardship Department, Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)

Philip Sugai
Professor of Marketing (Graduate School of Business), Director (Value Research Center), Doshisha University

Yasuyuki Sugiura
Managing Director of the Institution of the Social System Research, Nikko Research Center

Paul-Antoine Thiebot
Head of Sustainable and Positive Impact Finance, Asia Pacific, Societe Generale

Hirofumi Watanabe
General Manager, Regional Sustainability Design Dept., AEONMALL / Leader, Regional Sustainability Desig (Community Development, Resilience, Energy Security), AEON
Be recognised as driving the future of sustainable finance to institutional investors in Japan
Sponsoring at Responsible Investor global events positions your company at the forefront of key decision-makers and ensures your profile gains a competitive advantage within the industry. Enquire about bespoke sponsorship packages to:
- Align your brand with Responsible investor’s authoritative content-led event portfolio and be seen as a go-to solution provider for senior ESG and sustainable finance professionals.
- Stand tall amongst your competitors by positioning your company at Responsible Investor Japan and embed your brand as a major player to senior institutional investors.
- Raise your profile as a thought leader within the industry to overcome the key challenges within responsible Investing.
- Showcase your institutional investor solutions, in-person to new global audiences and generate new business opportunities to achieve your targets.
2024 sponsors include:
Connect with 500+ Japanese sustainable finance professionals
Hiroshi Komori
Senior Director, Stewardship & ESG, GPIF
RI events around the world have been beneficial to catch up on ongoing ESG issues and network with great people.
Andrea Palmer
I appreciate the quality of the delegates and the conversations. It’s the go-to venue to gauge developments in ESG integration.
Pre-Event Resources
Institutional Investors at RI Japan 2024
The Responsible Investor Japan provides an unrivalled platform for institutional investors and financial institutions investing in ESG and sustainable finance.
A limited number of complimentary passes for the event are available for asset owners. Check out the benefits of joining the conference and learn who among your peers attends. Apply for a complimentary pass for you or your team now.
What to expect
Network with your peers
Enrich your network, build lasting relationships, and exchange valuable perspectives with your investor peers through investor-only breakfasts, networking breaks, lunches and much more.
Gain expert insights
Hear from our industry-leading speaker line-up, discover the latest trends and stay aligned with future innovations in the market.
Explore opportunities
Discover remarkable investment opportunities and leverage ESG expertise focused on regulation, human rights, biodiversity, net zero and more.
Meet with the best and brightest funds
Connect and arrange one-to-one meetings with the biggest ESG managers in the market.
Connect with active investors
Apply for a complimentary asset owner pass
A limited number of complimentary passes are available for asset owners to join the event.
To qualify for a complimentary pass, you must meet the eligibility criteria in representing a pension fund, insurance company, sovereign wealth fund, foundation, endowment, trust, family office or corporate investment division.
Apply for a pass and a member of our team will follow up with you to secure your pass.
Network at the leading sustainable finance event in Japan
RI Japan will bring together 500+ Japanese ESG industry leaders in Tokyo for two days to connect, network and collaborate. It is the must-attend event for sustainable finance professionals in Japan to connect with the industry.
The in-person networking experience
Meet leaders in sustainable finance
Network with investment professionals, regulators, and academics who are leading the sustainable finance conversation in Japan.
15+ hours of networking
Connect with your peers at plenty of networking breaks, evening drinks reception and roundtable discussions.
Build new connections
Past attendees have included Dai-ichi Life Insurance, GPIF, Japan Post Insurance, Pension Fund Association, Sophia School Corporation, and many more.
Connect with active investors
Be recognised as driving the future of sustainable finance
Responsible Investor Japan provides an opportunity to make connections with an exclusive audience of ESG and sustainable finance decision makers. Share your solutions, collaborate and network with senior-level executives through bespoke sponsorship packages to meet your 2024 business goals.
Support the growth of sustainable finance in Japan
The RI Japan aims to provide a platform for sustainable finance professionals, senior decision-makers, and asset owners to exchange ideas and latest insights from the market.
Join us as a supporter to foster the development of sustainable finance by placing your brand at the forefront of the industry leaders.
Become a supporter to:
- Showcase your brand as a thought-leader in sustainable finance
- Maximise your brand exposure through speaking/moderating opportunities
- Reach out to the key leaders in our influential network
- Share your findings at the RI Japan event through your SNS, blogs, and much more.
Contact Serene Yuen for more information to collaborate with RI Japan.