Leading Canadian investors share their insights

Hear from Canadian investors in our interactive webinar on 4 March. This off the record session is invite-only for qualifying investors. 

Key themes include:

  • Where do Canadian investors see the headwinds for infrastructure investing opportunities? In what sectors or markets do they see as promising or overheated?
  • Dealing with the challenges of infrastructure investment and asset management during Covid 19, how have they fared?
  • How have they successfully developed a direct investing strategy? What are the lessons that can be learned from their experiences for other investors?

Investors should register their interest for this closed-door session by emailing Katherine Watson at katherine.w@peimedia.com.


The Deep Dive will be taking place online from 3pm HKT (UTC+8)

Global start times – NYC 02:00 | LDN 07:00 | HK 15:00 | SYD 18:00

All content will be available on-demand for Global Passport subscribers.

Day 1


Investor-only Deep Dive - Thursday 4th

Investor-only Deep Dive
15:00 - 15:45

Leading Canadian investors with Asian portfolios share their insights into the market

Daniel Kemp, Cyril Cabanes, Bruce Crane, Sandiren Curthan, Pushkar Kulkarni, Prateek Maheshwari

Panel Session 

  • Where do they see the headwinds for infrastructure investing opportunities? In what sectors or markets do they see as promising or overheated?
  • Dealing with the challenges of infrastructure investment and asset management during Covid 19, how have they fared?
  • How have they successfully developed a direct investing strategy? What are the lessons that can be learned from their experiences for other investors?

Moderator: Daniel Kemp, Superfunds Correspondent, Infrastructure Investor

A speaker photo for Daniel Kemp

Daniel Kemp

APAC Editor, Infrastructure Investor

Read bio
A speaker photo for Cyril Cabanes

Cyril Cabanes

Managing Director, Infrastructure, Asia Pacific, CDPQ Singapore

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A speaker photo for Bruce Crane

Bruce Crane

Managing Director, Infrastructure & Natural Resources, OTPP

Read bio
A speaker photo for Sandiren Curthan

Sandiren Curthan

Senior Director, Infrastructure Investments, PSP Investments

Read bio
A speaker photo for Pushkar  Kulkarni

Pushkar Kulkarni

Managing Director Infrastructure & Sustainable Energies

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A speaker photo for Prateek Maheshwari

Prateek Maheshwari

Managing Director, OMERS Infrastructure

Read bio
15:45 - 16:00

Meet the Speakers Q&A

Discuss the previous session with the speakers and put your questions to them face-to-face .

Session speakers:

Bruce Crane

Managing Director, Infrastructure & Natural Resources, OTPP

Cyril Cabanes

Managing Director, Infrastructure, Asia Pacific, CDPQ Singapore

Sandiren Curthan

Senior Director, Infrastructure Investments, PSP Investments

Daniel Kemp

APAC Editor, Infrastructure Investor

Pushkar Kulkarni

Managing Director Infrastructure & Sustainable Energies, CPP Investments

Prateek Maheshwari

Managing Director, OMERS Infrastructure

Interested in joining this session? 

This off the record session is invite-only for qualifying investors. Investors should register their interest for this closed-door session by emailing Katherine Watson at katherine.w@peimedia.com.