Digital Infrastructure Forum Global Summit Online 2021
18 - 21 October 2021,
Virtual Event, BST
Informing infrastructure investors on digital investments
On the 12 October 2020, attendees heard from investors in this increasingly important sub-asset class. With the growth in data use globally, the fundamentals underpinning digital infrastructure investments are clear. Infrastructure investors have a crucial role to play and this event provided the perfect place to discuss strategies for investing digital.
Who attends?
Fund Managers
Had the opportunity to hear from industry experts as they cover whether telecoms towers, fibre-optic rollouts and data centres are really an infrastructure play. In addition to this they were able to meet with investors looking to put money to work in a less frothy part of the market.
The infrastructure to support the storage and transmission of global data will represent a phenomenal investment opportunity, comparable to the ongoing decarbonisation of the energy mix. Investors discovered that the potential of digital infrastructure is much more than a real estate play.
Service Providers
Attended to meet and network with new business partners from every corner of the globe. Service providers were interested in meeting the new funds active in this space. Colony Northstar and Digital Bridge; OPTrust, GIC and Mount Elbert Capital Partners’ and Helios Towers Africa are just three of the players.
Key themes for 2020
- Impacts of increasing 5G connectivity on the fibre investment market.
- Smart cities – transforming a metropolis through digital infrastructure.
- Connectivity and network models of the future and what they will mean for investors.
- Should investors aim higher on the risk curve? Embracing technology risk in a digital world.
- Converging asset classes – examining the synergies between data centres, towers and fibre.
- Impacts of increasing 5G connectivity on the fibre investment market.
- Smart cities – transforming a metropolis through digital infrastructure.
- Connectivity and network models of the future and what they will mean for investors.
- Should investors aim higher on the risk curve? Embracing technology risk in a digital world.
- Converging asset classes – examining the synergies between data centres, towers and fibre.
One Summit: Seven Forums
World-leading infrastructure managers that attended in 2020 include:
Lincoln Webb
Senior Vice President, BCI
If you are serious about infrastructure investing, Infrastructure Investor’s Global Summit should be a fixture in your calendar.
Stephane Wattez-Richard
Executive Director, Conquest AM
The Global Summit is the best event to meet peers, investors and keep up-to-date on the key challenges & opportunities the asset class faces today.
Holger Haaf
To meet so many people in such a short time is not possible without the Summit.
2021 Sponsorship Opportunities
The Infrastructure Investor Global Summit offers a unique opportunity for organisations to raise their profile as a part of the premier meeting for infrastructure investment professionals.
For more information on available sponsorship opportunities contact Alexander Jakes,, +44 (0)203 862 7498
2020 Keynote speakers
Dr Ayesha Khanna
Co-Founder and CEO,
Wiebe Wakker
Dutch Adventurer & Founder,
Plug Me In
2020 Speakers

Dr. Dmitriy Antropov
Co-Head Private Infrastructure Integrated Investments, Managing Director, Partners Group

Paul Lam
Strategy Officer – Digital Infrastructure and Technology, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Digital Infrastructure Forum 2020 - Thursday 15th
Welcome from Infrastructure Investor
Chairperson’s welcome address

Converging sub-asset classes – examining the synergies between data centres, towers & fibre
Panel Session
- What are the market developments that are blurring the lines between these three assets?
- How is 5G in particular bringing the three closer together?
- Cost or revenue basis – are there true strategic synergies between these or is this simply a financial play? Do customers genuinely overlap?
- What impact should this convergence have on an investor’s approach to digital infrastructure?
Moderator: Alessandro Ravagnolo, Principal – Consulting, Analysys Mason

Dr. Dmitriy Antropov
Co-Head Private Infrastructure Integrated Investments, Managing Director, Partners Group
Read bio

Looking to the long-term in your investment approach when it comes to fibre
Panel Session
- As the fibre market develops at speed, what can savvy investors do to evaluate regulatory risk in the long term?
- Overbuild risk considerations at a time when Europe looks to embrace increasing fibre rollout
- Assessing long-term market penetration when it comes to fibre and why investors must take this into account
- Various models to evaluate across Europe & beyond – market-based models, concession models, wholesale models, PPP’s and more
Moderator: Fran González Menéndez, Partner, Consulting, Analysys Mason

Impacts of increasing 5G connectivity on the fibre investment market
Panel Session
- How will developments & rollout of 5G globally in the coming months or years impact investment in fibre? Where does Europe stand compared to other countries & regions?
- Competition, regulation & market cannibalization – what impacts might it have on the network environment?
- Is 5G set to be a friend or foe to fibre when it comes to front-end payment?
- Assessing the knock-on effects of 5G for towers & data centres
Moderator: Darragh Stokes, Senior Managing Partner, Hardiman Telecommunications
Coffee & networking
Case Study Presentation – Digital Infrastructure
This presentation will provide in-depth case study to a recently carried out digital infrastructure transaction
Smart Cities – Transforming a metropolis through digital infrastructure
Panel Session
- Defining smart cities – what are they and how do they relate to digital infrastructure?
- How has the coronavirus pandemic impacted and slowed smart city development? Will it have a lasting impact?
- The early adopters – how are Toronto, Barcelona & other examples leading the way and what can others learn from them?
- State of play – how is deal flow maturing when it comes to smart city funds & investment?
- Partnering effectively with all parties to implement your smart city vision
Moderator: Maarit Palovirta, Director of Regulatory Affairs, ETNO

Matteo Andreoletti
Head of Infrastructure Equity - Europe & North America, Whitehelm Capital
Read bio

Keynote Presentation – Smart Cities 2.0: The Future of Urban Living

Networking Lunch
Economic Impact & Benefits of Standard

Data centres: taking centre-stage?
- Evaluating data centre’s recent performance – is it their turn to be the growth asset in the digital infrastructure market?
- How are edge computing & regional data centre trends pushing the agenda for growth and what opportunities are they presenting to investors?
- How will hyperscale, movement to the cloud and other factors define the future for data centres?
- Is Europe still playing catch-up to the US? And if so, how far behind do they remain?
Moderator: Matthias Hamel, Partner, Solon Management Consulting
Risk vs reward in emerging markets digital infrastructure
Panel Session
- A skewing of a traditional market model? How & why emerging markets might have gained a step on developed markets in digital infrastructure
- Opportunities in Asia, Africa and elsewhere – can they bring more reward than Europe & the US for investors?
- How should you go about evaluating country risk and increased market volatility in your investment decision-making process? And how do you truly balance risk and reward?
- Ensuring you take a holistic approach and consider the market maturity model as a whole – all the way through from developed to emerging
Moderator: Paul Lam, Strategy Officer, Digital Infrastructure & Technology, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Coffee & networking
Should investors aim higher on the risk curve? Embracing technology risk in a digital world
Panel Session
- The case for – why investors should embrace more technology risk in order to reap rewards
- Shaking off a debt-like mindset when it comes to digital infrastructure – what can European investors learn from their Asian counterparts?
- How are social-economic factors skewing investor attitudes and appetites in this environment?
- The case against – should investors indeed be particularly wary of risk in this lightning-paced investment market?
Moderator: Manuel Etter, Head – Corporate Development, Loon
The importance of not being idle - maintenance considerations in digital infrastructure
Fireside Chat
- How does it compare across data centres, fibre and towers?
- How to get ahead through active management & investment in maintenance in order to create value and maximise returns
- Evaluating asset development, maturity & long-term reliability in your investment approach, in order to truly understand maintenance costs & revenue potential
- The increasing role of service providers in maintenance provision for digital infrastructure
- What maintenance challenges has the coronavirus pandemic brought, and how are they being overcome?
Moderator: Matthias Hamel, Partner, Solon Management Consulting
Close of conference
2021 Sponsorship Opportunities
The Infrastructure Investor Global Summit offers a unique opportunity for organisations to raise their profile as a part of the premier meeting for infrastructure investment professionals.
For more information on available sponsorship opportunities contact Alexander Jakes,, +44 (0)203 862 7498